Thursday, July 9, 2009


school was FUN today.


we had an experiment during Bio class.

i 'accidentally' squirted water into Previn's eye with the syringe. Lol

then he started getting serious and being pissed. haha

so not previn style

anyway, william started wearing his Broccoli (pengawas uniform) today :D

so did Kenny

lol i cant wait to get my own pengawas uniform :)

erm what else? nothing much i guess.

oh yeah, i think it's gonna be a bit late for me to donate and 'buy' a tree in school.

unless there is still a spot tmrw :D

hopefully. only 100 will get it.

only 100 will get to plant a tree with a stone beside it which has their name on it.

oh ya, and apparently, the carnival was a big success (yay)

good lah.

not that much homework today, thank goodness.

but i still have some homework left over from last night.

so i'm gonna go do it now =)


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