Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Gemilang itu semakin pasti kugenggam

hey guys

so there is gonna be a patriotic singing song


patrotic song singing competition soon i guess.

we , the students of 4A are still choosing which song to sing.

any suggestions?


the form5 students seem pretty relaxed about their trials

it SEEMS so.

OMG that's gonna be me in less than a year's time.

how the fuhrk am i gonna read form4 and 5 topics in time for SPM??


best of luck to them though

And to the form3s who are also currently sitting for trials.


compared to form 4

and i bet form4 is easy compared to form 5

oh well, time will tell

(haha it rhymes. cool)

as my DoTa buddies will know, i'm currently STILL banned from DoTa


i decided to make the best of it instead of moping at home and watching tV


i'm exercising


i've been at the futsal field at the padang masjid recently

playing futsal with some friends and some Malay little kids

(who are Ten a-ga-ba-gazillion times better than me, honestly)

practice makes perfect!


and my pokemon are getting stronger . teehee

ah forget that.

(playing pokemon yellow on my phone sucks battery FAST)

oh well.

feeling depressed after exam

don't know why



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