Saturday, January 16, 2010

Hello, Seafield. :)

Hey people!

I just got back from taekwondo practice in school.

Sooo, I'm wearing a towel and blogging. (I just showered.)


Let's talk about 2010 for a minute.

Man, 2010 has been great so far, don't you guys think so?

Waking up early in the morning.


You know something, I shower every morning in my parents' room's toilet.

(Because I don't have my own shower.)

So, they're still sleeping right.

After I shower, I'm like wet and shit.

And I have to walk OUT of the toilet, INTO their freezing air-conditioned room, and THEN find the door to get out of the room in the pitch black darkness.



it wakes me up.


So far, I've met many nice people in Form 3.


1 word of advice to Form 3's.

Enjoy it!

Form 4 is NOT a honeymoon year, am I right form 4's and Form 5's?


Don't complain about PMR, 'cause it'll be over before you know it.


Only 5 days mah.

I guess the Form 3's are just getting used to the morning session.

The teachers.

(HAH! You WISH teachers looked like that! xD)

The students.

(Uh, this is an Internet photo. I did not take it with my camera. *Smile* :D)

The timing.

Well, get used to it 'cause you're gonna have to endure it for 3 years. :D

(Unless you're going to Form 6, then 5 years. Haha.)

Anyway, I'll update again soon. :)



Friday, January 1, 2010

The Start of Something New

If you recognize those words up there,

or if you think you've heard it somewhere before,

you have.

'Cause it was from High School Musical!


Oh, I just thought it would be a suitable title for this post.



Many things happened in 2009.

We lost a legend.

"Alright guys, I'mma gonna leave you all. But remember, I love you so much. WOOOOH! UH." *Smile*

I honestly don't remember anything else that happened in 2009.


Was Barack Obama selected as President in 2009?

Oh yeah, think so.

"The American citizens shall...!"

(I was about to do an Obama speech and then I realised no one can do it like he can.)


Oh well,

Bye 2009!

I was thinking, I just got to know my new 4A classmates.

And then, all of a sudden, we're in Form 5!


Met a lot of good people in 4 Amanah.


Many of whom, unfortunately, I won't be seeing again.



Streaming kinda sucks sometimes.

But at least it gives a person the opportunity to meet new friends.

Like a wise man once said,

"Nobody is a stranger! They are just people you haven't met yet."


Okay that makes no sense.

I think it was,

"Nobody is a stranger! They are just friends you haven't met yet."

Ah, better.


So, let us usher in 2010 with a smile.

Here, like this.

And support 1Malaysia!

But not only the Chinese, Malays and Indians, you know?

Remember the Penans, Bidayuhs, Kadazandusuns, Ibans, Sri Lankans (Previn. LOL) and etc. etc.!

Wait, wait, that picture tak laku.

No Indians.

Wait aaaah.




Alright, I gotta go now, so...

Take care everyone!

And may you have a GREAT 2010!
